Starting out

Researching family history in Cork
- Write down all the information that you have in an ordered fashion eg group sheets, family tree maker or a word processor
- Check out the 1901 and 1911 censi
- Search online with roots chat and
- Record all references with dates, saves you repeating research.
- Make a logical to do list, letters to write, people to visit, places to visit.
- Check out online sources through Cindy's list.
- Research the history of the era you might get an insite of how your relative lived, adds flesh to the narrative.
- Most important of all write it up in a fashion that enables persons coming after you to be able to understand it.
- Pass it on.
Places to Visit
- County Library - Newspapers, local Directories
- City Library - newspapers, local directories
- Boole Library (Limited access)
- LDS Family History Centres.
Some new websites
Irish family History Centre
How to Do Your Genealogy
Ultimate Guide to Genealogy Websites for Beginners
6 Genealogy Projects to Interest Kids & Teens in Family History
Exploring Your Family Tree: Resources for Seniors to Share the Joy of Genealogy with Their Loved Ones
Smart Draw Diagrams
Choosing the Right Format When Writing Your Family History
Draw a simple Tree
List of useful websites
Cork Genealogical Society,
c/o Olive Coleman, 22 Elm Drive, Shamrock Lawn, Douglas,Cork, Ireland
Logo design by Éibhear Neff. © Cork Genealogical Society 2003-2022