
Our Visit to the Lord Mayor Tuesday 2nd September 2024
to mark our 30 year anniversary

Our President Betty Callan with with Eddie Wallace

Our President Betty Callan with Tony McCarthy
Karen and Kim from the County Library who attended the Conference

DNA cousins at the Cork Genealogical Society's Conference 19th March 2016

Eddie Wallace and Lord Mayor Chris O'Leary at the opening of the conference March 2016

June 2016
Over 100 Busteeds gathered in the Tracton Arts and Community Centre for past 2 days to celebrate their roots in Tracton, County Cork. 78 of those gathered were from abroad..... from the USA,Australia, Canada, the U.K. and Northern Ireland.... joining their Irish cousins/friends in 2 days of entertainment, family history and folklore, music, exhibitions, etc.
Photo of some of the Busteed Family in cork for a family gathering at a reception by the Lord Mayor of Cork in the City Council Chamber

New Fellow of the Society Bill Fahy with Declan Chalmers 2nd October 2015


A group of 88 Australians visiting Cork in 1994

A group of Australians and Americans Visiting Cork in 2014 with members of the Society at Cork City Hall
Cork Genealogical Society,
c/o Olive Coleman, 22 Elm Drive, Shamrock Lawn, Douglas,Cork, Ireland
Logo design by Éibhear Neff. © Cork Genealogical Society 2003-21