Journal of the Cork genealogical Society 2006

1- The Bound apprentice
2- JJ O'Neill 1883 - 1940
3- Fr. Ed Cussens
4- The Dorgan Family
5- Genealogical Meanderings
C-Databases1- Funerals from the south Parish
1- Funerals of the South Parish notes (File is a spread sheet)
2- Spreadsheet of the Funerals by Joe O'Reilly
2- Misc Denis Murphys
1- Spreadsheet of Misc Denis Murphys (file is a spreadsheet)
1.1 - Readme File
1.2 - 1822-1823
1.3 - 1853-1859
1.4 - 1859
1.5 - 1860-1862
1.6 - 1862 - 1900
1.7 - Clondrohid Cemetery
1.8 - Cullen Cemetery
1.9 - Drishance Cemetery
1.10 - Glenflesk Cemeteries
1.11 - Index to O'Kief Cosh Mang
1.12 - Macroom Cemeteries
1.13 - Marriages 1855 - 1870
1.14 - Marriages 1870 - 1900
1.15 - Millstreet Church Cemetery
1.16 - Millstreet tithe
2- Old Cemetery in Macroom , just below the square Graveyard Photographs (View with a photo or picture viewer from directory)
Cork Genealogical Society,
c/o Olive Coleman, 22 Elm Drive, Shamrock Lawn, Douglas,Cork, Ireland
Logo design by Éibhear Neff. © Cork Genealogical Society 2003-12